

What is a smart factory, printing enterprises how to achieve intelligent

Although the printing industry has been discussing smart factories for some years, most of them still stay at the PPT program level. Even if some manufacturing enterprises layout digital transformation and upgrading, but also only touched the tip of the iceberg of smart factory, this is the current situation. As for whether the smart factory can be used well in the future, it depends on whether the understanding of "intelligence" is sufficient.

Although the printing industry has been discussing smart factories for some years, most of them still stay at the PPT program level. Even if some manufacturing enterprises layout digital transformation and upgrading, but also only touched the tip of the iceberg of smart factory, this is the current situation. As for whether the smart factory can be used well in the future, it depends on whether the understanding of "intelligence" is sufficient.

Printing production workshop

So, what is a smart factory?

Intelligent manufacturing is a means rather than an end. The smart factory is like a fully automated drone, and the goal is lean. The purpose of enterprises to intelligent manufacturing is lean, any intelligent transformation is to achieve better quality, lower cost and higher efficiency, so as to bring more economic benefits for enterprises.

Intelligent manufacturing has two IT engines, the first engine is information technology, and the second engine is industrial automation technology. Therefore, whether a manufacturing enterprise can successfully carry out intelligent transformation, first of all depends on whether there is enough IT power. At present, printing companies generally pay more attention to industrial automation technology, and the degree of automation of production equipment is getting higher and higher. However, information technology is the weakness of the industry. Many companies do not even use ERP management systems well, let alone intelligence.

3. The kernel is data and links. Data is the soul of an intelligent factory. Only with data can we achieve standardization, only with standardization can we have automation, and only on the basis of automation can we achieve intelligence. The link is to obtain real-time data, use data to guide production, and realize flexible production, agile manufacturing, and mass customization.

The smart factory links all production resources, including people, equipment and software, equipment and equipment, internal and external enterprises, and links all available production and operation resources to make information sharing and process transparent.

4. Intelligence will have an impact on the entire life cycle of the product, because the kinetic energy generated by the intelligent change of the manufacturing end will support design, research and development, sales and service, and revolutionize the entire production and operation activities of the enterprise, thereby forming a new Business model.

The Path of Realizing Intelligence in Printing Enterprises

1. Construction of information technology

MES management system is the central nervous system of intelligent factories. It not only needs to collect real-time data from the first line of the workshop and the bottom of the equipment, but also needs to issue production instructions immediately. adding a tail (workshop reporting module) to ERP management system cannot be regarded as MES system, nor can it be regarded as ERP linking equipment. MES should seamlessly link the six production factors of man, machine, method, material, ring and measurement around the production plan to realize real-time data interaction. The APS (Advanced Automatic Scheduling System) is the central intelligent brain of the MES system, through which efficient, orderly and controllable lean manufacturing can be achieved.

2. Open Mindset for Change

Intelligent manufacturing is a brand-new production and operation mode, and it may be difficult to change habits, which requires the determination of all employees of the enterprise.

3. Do what you can, step by step

The construction of intelligent factory is a huge system engineering, can not be completed overnight, printing enterprises should be based on the existing foundation and economic strength, overall planning, step-by-step implementation. For enterprises, all investment must consider the return, and intelligent transformation without benefits is doomed to fail.